Genevieve Ackerman, Vol nuptial (premiere), for violin, ondes Martenot and percussion
Serge Arcuri, Soliloques #1 (1991), #2 (1994), #3 (premiere), for violin
Zosha Di Castri, Patina (2016), for violin
Tristan Murail, La Conquête de l'Antarctique (1982), for ondes Martenot
Kaija Saariaho, Nocturne (1994), for violin
Claude Vivier, Prolifération (1968-69), for ondes Martenot, piano and percussion

Marianne Di Tomaso, violin
Aurore Dallamaggiore, ondes Martenot

With the participation of
Gabrielle Picard, piano
Alexandre Nantel, percussion

Véronique Lacroix, artistic direction


Always eager to discover emerging talents with a thirst for creation, the ECM+Debuts series is proud to present two fearless young virtuosos: Marianne Di Tomaso, violin and Aurore Dallamaggiore, ondes Martenot. Alone or together, they will perform works by Serge Arcuri, Zosha Di Castri, Tristan Murail and Kaija Saariaho, as well as a creation by the stunning young composer Geneviève Ackerman. In addition to this program, Gabrielle Picard, piano, and Alexandre Nantel, percussion, will join the “delirious” ondes Martenot waves of Prolifération, one of Claude Vivier’s first works.

TICKETS (Montreal)
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