Mario Lavista: Natarayah
Hilda Paredes: Metamorfosis
Ignacio Baca-Lobera: Tres piezas de guitarra
Luca Francesconi: Alborada
Tristan Murail: Tellur
Gabriela Ortiz: Sydolyra
Alejandra Hernandez: Trazos
Jimmie Leblanc: Nos cercles brisés (création)

Véronique Lacroix, Artistic Director
Pablo Gómez, guitarist


Pablo Gomez, one of Mexico’s foremost guitarists, is ECM’s guest for its second concert of the season.  This recital will feature contemporary music for solo guitar. Recently back from the Generation2006 Canadian tour with ECM, Pablo Gomez is proposing a multicultural programme with five pieces by Mexican composers as well as Italy’s Luca Francesconi and France’s Tristan Murail’s solo guitar works. For a taste of local creativity, a premiere by young Canadian composer Jimmie leblanc.

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